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July 12, 2019


Landscaping fabric is useful for achieving a weed free, contained garden area. While the large rolls can seem overwhelming to maneuver, a few simple steps are all that is needed to install it correctly. Let the pros at Nanaimo Landscaping & Lawn Care show you how!

First, you need to prepare the area which you want to cover. All grass and weeds must be removed, as well as rocks and other objects in the dirt bed. The ground must also be disturbed and tilled so that you can place any plants into the space after the fabric has been placed. Ensure that the space you will be covering is level with the exception of any holes to place plants in once finished.

Next, measure out the landscaping fabric so that it fits the desired space. If covering a large area of ground, it is best to cut several pieces and overlap them by around one foot. Arrange the pieces in the area and trim off any excess.

If you wish to include any plants in your feature, use a sharp blade to cut an “X” into the fabric and push the plants gently through the opening and place in the holes underneath the fabric, covering with dirt before replacing the fabric.

Then, pull the fabric taut so as to prevent any wrinkles, bulges, or otherwise uneven surfaces. Every few feet, push a landscaping staple into the ground tightly.

Finally, cover the landscaping fabric with two or more inches of either bark mulch, river rock, sand, or your desired topper.

The best part, as our friends at Kansas City Homes and Gardens tells us, is if your vision for your garden changes, it is easy to remove and cover over with whatever you wish. Installing landscaping fabric is a quick and easy process that can instantly clean up an area of yard or garden, and help to give it a fresh new look by providing a base layer for rocks or mulch that weeds can’t grow through. 


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